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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008


Chris Paul

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“Phil Jones got me to layout this ticket in the Olympic Festival office or the like where I was fundraising etc. It's just possible that he gave me a ticket as a souvenir of my skill and industry a year or two back. The idea of the spike was already determined. As I recall I decided all the type sizes, colours and layout and succeeded in spelling everything correctly. Dave Logo printed ... maybe I'm not sure. But IIRC all this stuff was very late getting done.

Around the same time we were doing Reggae Sunsplash preparations for Hough End - Bunny Wailer to headline. But some local vicar found some restrictive covenant from some spoilsport silent order of bestial curates who had banned whistles, rattles and all mechanical noise 100 years before or whatever. Which the lawyers finally agreed was a gig stopper.

The spoilsport vicar (was it John Leech's dad???) was also worrying about the sterotypical (not) spliffheads dropping their dirty heroin needles around the Nell Lane Estate.

Probably more risk at that time of the kids there dropping their needles and hippies and rastas cutting their bare feet chilbobblin'.

As far as I remember the posters were printed. But I don't have one. Black ink on yellow. A departure for the G and M crew who mostly did those generic white red and black efforts. Bunny Wailer in one of those classic Marley-esque dreads swinging above head shots ... only better.”
25 Aug 2007
“I came here today looking for posters or fliers for Durutti gigs I did at Manchester Cathedral and Boardwalk both based on Steve Wright pictures used full frame. Former with the "boys" in ecclesiastical gothic vibe and latter with one eye from each leaning into the middle. Both gigs were full house. Wilson very enthusiastic about Cathedral and loving poncing about in chapter house and the like. Shellyan Orphan supported. For boardwalk saved quite a lot of posters to sell on the night. Lost about £5 I think ... and still have the half £5 note which some charming fan passed off as a whole one. That made all the difference. Cathedral gig was a Festival enterprise and Phil Jones took them out on a few others including Clifton as I recall.”
25 Aug 2007
“PS I probably have quite a lot of other stuff too ...”
30 Jun 2007
“I designed the poster, adverts and flier and promoted the gig on behalf of the AA youth (a bit of a nightmare). Frank Chickens didn't make it but played a gig for SWAPO Ambulance Fund a few months later. It actually made more than the FTH show I think. At International One. I have a copy of the poster for FTH you can acquire for the collection. Tippa Irie MC'd for much of the day if not throughout. We had no turntable for his dubplate so he performed a capella. Lemn Sissay performed as well.

The Railway Children and Distant Cousins provide the "More labels than one" line up at Boardwalk in the Festival of the Tenth Summer.”
30 Jun 2007

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The Bernhardts 0 items
Oscar Bernhardt Ensemble 0 items